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Your Positive Change Hypnotherapy

Weight Management Package

Durham Hypnosis Weight Loss, Hypnosis Durham Lose Weight

Weight Loss

Hypnosis Durham



Ready to Spring into Summer, and time to take control of food, achieve the Weight you desire, and Ditch the yo yo Diets, clubs and fads. 

However, losing weight is by no means simply an aesthetic need, it also improves Health and Wellbeing. You and I know that the latest Weight-loss plan, or crash diet isn't the solution to Maintaining an Ideal Size. Every time an attempt to diet fails, the weight is likely to rise again, leaving you feeling even more Depressed.

In order to solve the pattern of yo-yo dieting where weight is lost and soon put back on again, Old Habits, perhaps from childhood, must be changed.


6 Sessions of Change  - Weight Management Hypnosis County Durham - How Does It Feel?

Hypnosis is a Pleasant, Relaxing Experience during which you can gain understanding of your Eating Patterns. I will guide you towards the Goals that you Desire. With Hypnosis, you can Take Control over your responses. If you eat for emotional reasons, I will help you find more appropriate ways of replacing these emotions with positive actions. I will work with you to increase your Confidence and Self-esteem.


Before visiting me, you may already have tried many ways to help yourself: Will Power, Diets, exercise regimes, slimming classes and possibly even drugs to combat the fat, only to “fail” and regain the lost weight, plus more.

​Exercise is one of the keys to tackling obesity and also helps lift depression but this is a cruel and vicious cycle where the behaviour that will help, is the very thing that you have no motivation or energy to do.We have all heard of “comfort eating” and it can be useful to look deeper at the underlying emotions that create the need to overeat. Food can make us feel better, but this is only temporary.

6 Pillars to Change Weight Management - Hypnosis Durham


Over the sessions we will work on each of the following so that you reach your desired goal.

1. Remove desires and reasons to Snack, and/or consume unhealthy drinks.

2. Stop eating when full, and enjoy smaller portions


3. No need, reason, desire to over eat, and if required remove cravings for salty/sugary food and drinks


4. Motivation and Determination to get more exercise, and start body loving


5. Increase Confidence and Self Esteem - tweaking any food/drink issues


6. Reinforce the above 5 pillars of change, so that the new relationship with food and drink continues.

Hypnosis - Guarantee

An exact guaranteed loss can never be predicted as every client achieves a different level of loss due to their size(current weight), build(height), and other physical factors - muscle mass. 

What I CAN guarantee is that using my vast experience and skills I will do everything to help you succeed and achieve you goal. 


Weight Loss Results from Hypnosis Durham

If you are 100% Committed to losing weight, changing your relationship with food/drink, installing new positive habits, learning a new food and drink framework then I will be 100% committed to you, and Hypnosis may be the correct.



You can either e -mail me , call 01207 507296, and Click HERE for Prices and to Book Online

Your Positive Change - Hypnosis Reviews

Below are reviews posted on Facebook, Google+, Twitter from previous clients, to read more Click HERE, or read on the various social media sites

Lisa (Weight Loss)​ Not want to shame fat people but this is the guy that will fix you x

Sarah (Weight loss)​ Totally agree with Lisa! He is fab at what he does!! Definitely recommended x

Susan (Weight Loss) I have waited a while to post this review as I wanted to give it time. I tried diets, slimming world, weight watchers, and always put weight back on..after 10 years I tried Hypnotherapy, and the Hypnotic Gastric Band - I was sceptical, however after 4 weeks I had lost 13lbs, and nearly 3 months on just over two and a half stone  very pleased!! 

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01207 260367

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