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Free Yourself From Smoking
After your Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy session, your new habit will be 'to not smoke' and you will find yourself focusing on other mor

Wanna be the Smoker or Non Smoker? Let's Switch Them Around!
Imagine a Big Picture of You surrounded by Smokers (Do it Now)..........., Then a Picture of You Smoke Free (See it, Feel It)........When yo

People are 3 times more likely to remain Smoke Free with Hypnosis than NRT - Why swap one addiction for another!

Your Breath of Fresh Air is Ready and Waiting
Using Hypnosis mixed with Neuro Lingustic Programming (NLP) techniques, I will get to the route cause to why you smoke, remove the emotional

Revealed: The Cost of Smoking to The North East
31/33 Stopped Smoking with Your Positive Change Hypnosis Consett - County Durham *Jan-April 2017
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