Your Positive Change Hypnosis Durham
About David

I'm David Bovingdon a fully qualified, registered, and insured Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner, and trained Psychotherapist based in County Durham (Dip.Hyp, Licensed NLP Practitioner, NCSCT*)
For nearly 20 years using Hypnosis I have worked with thousands of people across Durham and The North East to achieve their ultimate goals:–
Overcoming Anxiety, Increasing Confidence and Self Esteem, Weight Loss, Fears and Phobias, Quit Smoking, Flying Anxiety, Sexual Emotional and Relationship Issues and more.
Therapy Training

18 Months Hypno-Psychotherapy training with The National College of Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy, tutored by Head Principal Shaun Brookhouse. The NCHP was established in 1977 and is one of the longest most established and respected training institutes in the world.
The NCHP is externally accredited by the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP), the European Association of Psychotherapy (EAP), the National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH), and has accreditation of prior learning (APL) arrangement with Bath Spa University on their Master’s programme.
During 18 months of training with NCHP I spent over 200 hours face to face supervised learning and practice.

12 Months Hypnotherapy training with Faith Waude Hypnosis World Training, tutored by Faith Waude and John Sellars. HWT has been established for over 25 years, externally accredited by the GHSC, ACCPH, and The International Hypnotherapy Association.
120 hours of further Hypnosis learning and practice working with mainly:-
Smoking Cessation, Weight, Anxiety, Fears, Phobias, Addictions including Drug, Alcohol, Gambling, Sports Performance, Depression, Relationships, Nail Biting, Child Birth, Confidence, Sexual issues, Flying, Exam nerves and many others.
Hypnotic Gastric Band

John Sellars is an accredited independent tutor of many specialised areas of Hypnotherapy, including the very popular Hypnotic Gastric Band. The Hypnotic Gastric Band is a complexed training covering many important areas from the psychological food triggers, chemical stimuli’s, through motivation, and the implementation of the band using Hypnosis.
Neuro - Lingustic Programming

Neuro-Lingustic Programming is a theraputic technology founded by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. This therapy is based on the work of Physchotherapists Milton H Erickson, Virginia Satir, Gregory Bateson, and Fritz Perls.
Unlike other therapies which may require many sessions, NLP is an approach which allows behavioural change quickly.
My NLP training and certification was with both co-founders, firstly John Grinder (NLP Acadamy) and then Richard Bandler (NLP Life Training), and further training with John and Kathleen Lavelle (Pure NLP)​

Left to Right Dr Richard Bandler (Co-Founder NLP), Myself, and close friend Paul Mckenna
Paul Mckenna Training

My first Hypnosis training was over 35 years ago with 'Paul Mckenna training' I learn't the foundations of Hypnosis, NLP, Havening, and Coaching.
National Centre for Smoking Cessation
and Training

The National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT) is a social enterprise committed to support the delivery of effective evidence-based tobacco control programmes and smoking cessation interventions provided by local stop smoking services.
The NCSCT works with and for the field to deliver training and assessment programmes, support services for local and national providers and conducts research into behavioural support for smoking cessation
I have received full certification with NCSCT for Smoking Cessation Practitioner assessment for knowledge and skills, and the Mental health specialty module practitioner assessment for knowledge and skills.
Registered Number 131616
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